Saturday 4 February 2017

How not to subvert an art exhibition...

So I thought I'd be clever and sabotage John Hyatt's Rock Art exhibition at Home cinema last night, planting a copy of The Vegan's Guide to People Arguing with Vegans in an exhibit. John is vegan and would probably enjoy such an act of subversion...

The zine wasn't there long, and soon disappeared. Towards the end of the night, I asked a member of staff why they'd taken it down and told her “it's not a punk thing to do”.

She told me she'd taken The Vegan's Guide down to read herself, that she thought it was really funny and it had kept her going on a long shift. I was left feeling humbled and very flattered – she got a few free copies of Cubesville to take home too. But the charming vegan staff at Home didn't find the copy I sneaked inside one of the comics - The Vegan's Guide is (invisibly) on show for a few weeks more.

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